
Showing posts from October, 2022

Ancient Village, Cordes Sur Ciel, France

Two Story Treehouse, Wisconsin

Ruins of St. Kathrin Church in Visby, Gotland, Sweden

Piazza San Pietro - Vatican City.


“The brick towers of Bakong, Angkor / Cambodia .”

Explorer inside Orda Cave, the biggest underwater gypsum cave in the world, Russia

Karwendel, Austria Peter Schlechte

Spa Oasis

Flowered Lane, Yorkshire, England

The Crystal Mosque in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Arches at Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Studio Ghibli clock at Shiodome in Tokyo, Japan

Narrow alleys in the old town of Berat, Albania

Zugspitze range high above the Seebensee lake, Bavaria, Germany

The Prague astronomical clock is the oldest astronomical clock that is still working and displays information such as the relative positions of planetary objects. Hichem Merabet

Corner sculpture on Hotel Altstadt in Salzburg, Austria

Girl by the lake, Lago d’Orta, Italy